
We want to hear from you! Please contact us with any questions.

Common Questions

I can't find what I am looking for. Do you sell it?

Even if not listed, products could still be available. Contact us for assistance or potential alternatives.

When is my order shipping?

We do not promise same-day shipping and may have a lead time of a few days. In the event an item is unavailable, our sales team will communicate with you prior to order completion.

How do I track my order?

Following shipment, an email will notify you with tracking information.

I am tax exempt. How do I send my tax form?

Contact our sales team via email at to submit your tax form for a refund on your order or call to place your order.

Can I email you a purchase order?

Submit it via email to Payment is required prior to processing.

How do I return an item?

For item returns or warranty submissions, contact our sales team. Provide detailed reasons for returning or claiming warranty. Our sales team will handle your claim and follow up once resolved. Please be aware of restocking fees for returns.

How do I submit a warranty claim?

The majority of products have a one-year warranty.In order to submit a warranty claim, please contact us with your name, phone number, email address, order number, and a detailed description of the item's issue.A member of our sales team will get in touch with you with the details after you submit the data.

How do I cancel my order?

Please get in touch with us right away if you need to cancel your order, and we'll try our best to accommodate you. The order's cancellation is not something we can guarantee. We are unable to cancel an order that is in the process of being manufactured or shipped.